Tuesday, September 9, 2008

The BIG 6! (Izzes Birthday!)

Well, it happened.
It sucks when OTHER people have a birthday and it makes YOU feel older.
Now I know how my parents always felt when I had a birthday.
My baby girl turned 6 last Friday. Damn -- SIX!
I can still remember the day she was born like it was yesterday.

Friday we celebrated by going out to our favorite southside Mexican hangout,

And Saturday was the day of the BIG PARTY.

We, and by we, I mean Isabel, Amanda, myself and like a whole mess of other kids and adults, went bowling
at Epiphany Lanes on the southside.

It was a good time, nobody got hurt, no body cried (except me, a little)

Ended up with WAY TOO MANY toys, like usual, but we'll figure it out.

It was a good time had by all!

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