Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Done with Driving!

Well today I starting something that ive wanted to do for a LONG LONG time!

I took public transportation to work.

As many of you know, im pretty much a green freak, environmentalist, tree hugging hippie, but today I followed through with a promise to stop driving my gas guzzling truck everywhere. I did some research and found that i could actually make the Metro system work for me.

I can catch the MetroLink near my house or Izzes bus stop, take a transfer bus (the 97 Delmar, for those of you in the know) and make it to work by 815. It really only takes a few minutes longer than if i had driven myself. I was pretty impressed with the speed and promptness of the mass transit system.

What set this all off? Well yesterday I pulled into the gas station to fill up the tank. Ive been doing a great job of filling up when it gets just under a half a tank, to help prevent gas tank corrosion and other engine problems. The sign at QT said 3.38/ gal. As i was filling the tank, i was thinking to myself, "man, wow, i cant believe that gas is all the way down to 3.38. this is great." then i realized, what the fuck am i talking about. i just paid 45 dollars to put in a half a tank of gas. this is NOT ok. my truch gets about 14-15 mpg in the city. how wasteful. how polluting, how DAMN EXPENSIVE!

it was then and there, at the QT at 170 and the Rock Road that i made my decision to stop driving to and from work and school. while i have not entirely cast off the shackles of foreign oil dependency, i am taking a step in the right direction.

So unless there is some other time-oriented destination i HAVE to make on a work day, I will be doing the mass transit thing monday through friday to and from work and UMSL.

I am very proud of my self and happy that i am doing it. ive even talked to a few people at work who are interested in learning more about this mysterious 'mass transit' thing i have stumbled upon...

for any of you that may be reading this... check out Metro St Louis for some more info and route times and schedules. or send me an email at cjasonwoollard@yahoo.com and ill be happy to help you figure out how to get to where you need to go! I figured it out, you can too!

love the world, it loves you!


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